Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Happenings!

It's been quite a while since I blogged anything on here.  Been pretty busy.

Took up a challenge last January, 2013.  Paying it Forward challenge.  The gist of it was to post the challenge and then whoever commented under your post, you had to do something or send them some little something during the year.  I had seven people comment on mine and stressed about what to make until I visited a friend.  One of her family had made her a beautiful afghan out of leftover yarn and it was very colorful and beautiful.

So,  I thought, I have so much yarn that I will probably never use, so I started making "Scrappy Afghans" for my friends who commented.  They were so well received that everyone in the family wanted one so I wound up making 10 of them.  I feel that I need to make enough for all of Danny's sisters too.  So I will have to make a couple more. 

Here are some of them:
 Hopefully, I can start some more projects pretty soon.